[IELTS] SPEAKING_part 2,3_ natural talent

ssue_ing 2021. 8. 19. 13:41

Part 2

Describe a natural talent (sports, music, etc) you want to improve
You should say:
What it is
When you discovered it
How you want to improve it
And explain how you feel about it.


1. Swimming
2. 3 years ago Working holiday - austalia / friends - go to island - all friends apart from me dive and swim. without inflatable ring did't do anything .
3. privite lesson, until don't need tube ring / sea or river
4. Honestly, learned when i was s elementary school / couldn't know the important -> regret / by learning / overcome my fear / do water sports next summer.

want wish desire long for hope for

need demand require call for

at that time - on that occasion; in those days;

natral - innate / native / inherent /

This question reminds me of the time when I felt the need to improve my native ability.

What I hope to enhance is my ability in sports, espacailly swimming. I'm actually quite athletic (ath-le-tick) but I didn't pay much attention to swimming.

- natural talent에 대해서 말해야한다. 따라서 원래 스포츠에 일가견이 있는지 말해주기!

Three years ago, I went on a working holiday in Austalia. I hung out with my foreign (for-rin) friends and we went to an island located in Brisbane. All of my friends apart form me dived and swam there. I didn't do anything without an inflatable (in-fley-du-bul) ring. That's because I didn't know how to swim. Thus, I realized at that time that I need to learn how to swim.

Based on my observation, I think private lessons will help me improve my swimming skills. That's because the lecture can focus on only me and the trainer can accurately correct my bad swimming habits.

In fact, I have mixed emotions about it. Honestly, I learned swimming when I was an elementary school student. However, I didn't know the importance of swimming. Thus, I really regret that I disregarded swimming. I hope to overcome my fear of the water by learning how to swim. Nonetheless, I am now excited to acquire swimming skills. I want to do a lot of water sports such as surfing, snorkeling and scuba diving next summer.

This question reminds me of the time when I felt the need to improve my native ability.

What I hope to enhance is my ability in sports, espacailly swimming. I'm actually quite athletic but I didn't pay much attention to swimming.

Three years ago, I went on a working holiday in Austalia. I hung out with my foreign friends and we went to an island located in Brisbane. All of my friends apart form me dived and swam there. I didn't do anything without an inflatable ring. That's because I didn't know how to swim. Thus, I realized at that time that I need to learn how to swim.

Based on my observation, I think private lessons will help me improve my swimming skills. That's because the lecture can focus on only me and the trainer can accurately correct my bad swimming habits.

In fact, I have mixed emotions about it. Honestly, I learned swimming when I was an elementary school student. However, I didn't know the importance of swimming. Thus, I really regret that I disregarded swimming. I hope to overcome my fear of the water by learning how to swim. Nonetheless, I am now excited to acquire swimming skills. I want to do a lot of water sports such as surfing, snorkeling and scuba diving next summer.



Part 3



Do people think artists with talents should focus on their talents?

- Based on my observation, no. That's mainly because people want more entertainers. For instance, on competing singing programs, there are many candidates who have great singing skills. However, the public tend to pick their winners the person who has extra abilities such as playing the piano, drawing a picture and playing a soccer. In addition, artists should be improved their other talents for surviving in their field. Making discriminated attraction is one of the best ways to appeal to audiences. Of course, it's only possible if their basic talents are always at their best. 



Is it possible for us to know whether children who are 3 or 4 years old will become musicians and painters when they grow up?

- I think it's not. That's mainly because only adults, especially parents, decide their children's lives to become musicians and painters. Nobody knows whether children want to do that jobs. Of course, if children show outstanding talents even they are too young, parents help to improve their skills for being success. However, as children grow older, they can experience a lot of things such as sports, laws and sciences and these can make their mind do other jobs. Due to that, we can't realize whether children will get that jobs or not. 



Why do people like to watch talent shows?

- Based on my observation, that's mainly because people feel jealous a person who has the talents which they don't have. I think that jealousy can be a great motivation for people to improve and make an effort for their talents. For instance, when we watch a talent show that candidates play the piano, people imagine when they are play that instrument. It could be resulted in enrolling the academy for piano. Also, that programs can make audiences experience other candidates' lives and it become the vitality for people. 



Do you think it is more interesting to watch famous people’s or ordinary people’s shows?

- Watching famous people's shows makes me more attracted. There are several reasons. Firstly, I can't experience celebrities' lives in my life so I am satisfied to watch that shows instead. For instance, they do a lot of things which I can't imagine such as living in a luxurious house, riding in a new sports car and buying luxury items. That makes me feel such jealous but get vicarious satisfaction which is my motivation for living my life to the fullest. However, ordinary people's shows are too real and they show to struggle for a living. Due to that, it doesn't interest me.